
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Royal prescription of Royal Hakeem of Princess of Bhopal

Ubqari Magazine - February 2016

Respected Hakeem Sahib Asslam O alikum my grandfather, Hakeem Naqahbandh khan, was a great Hakeem he was also served the princess of Bhopal, as the "Sahi Tabeeb"his son M.... Zubair Qamar was also a good Hakeem he made a " Biayaz " which is in the possession of my mother and she use to make medicines and people gets a lot of benefit from them, I also have written some tips from their and now sending them to you.

Akseer e Istahaza, white liquid( lokhoria)

sang e jarahat 10 toly, pitkari 5 toly, geero red 5 toly, cook gairo on fire and make it white grind them all , one pinch in three fingers and eat 3 times in a day.

Useful oil for the patients of paralysis

This is the most beneficial for the pains and even it is very useful for the patients of paralysis, takes cloves, marmaki, and sund in same quantity and makes the powder, then burn in the turmeric oil, turn of the heat after one boil and bubbles come on surface. Keep save in bottles when it becomes cold, massage and cover the thick cloth at night before sleeping and then wash with lukewarm water in the morning.

Phaki for digestion: Carmon, Black pepper the forth part, noshadar one tola, black salt, one tola, take half table spoon after eating food.

for every kind of stomach problem: flower of lotus half quarter, rose flower half quarter, aniseeds half quarter, white henna two tola, tabasheer one tola, cardamom khurd four tola, carmon on tola, grind one KG almonds , and then add the big packet of glucose, the medicine is ready, take 3 times a day with simple water.

Powder for digestion: take mint, Pomegranate seeds, mustalgi, black pepper in same quantity, grind and make powder, take one masha with simple water.

Benefit: it gives a lot of strength to stomach.



Tooth powder:

 Take cloves and pitkari, grind them after making them hot on the bread maker (twa)...... then add gridded black pepper, dohda and mix to make tooth powder.

for the strength of mind, nerves and heart : flower of lotus , half quarter, roses half quarter, uneesviin one chtang, sandal white 2 tola , green cardmom 2 tola, black misri( nabat) half KG, aniseeds Badyan, chatang, almonds obe quarter, grind and mix, this medicine is good for every type of weakness. (Salma Urooj, Jehlam.)

Gynecologist's tips for women

Respected Hakeem sahib Asslamo alikum! Hope that you must b enjoying the blessings, mercy and Bara'kah of Allah SWT. This is the first time that I am writing to any magazine. Today, first time I heard your speech (Dars) through internet and it is a mile stone to me. I am going to write some medical tips which may help someone and it become a source of success of our life of hereafter. In my childhood when I was almost of seven or eight years old, I eat a lot of nimko and biscuits from the market and I felt really bad in the evening. I was feeling nausea. my respected father's uncle (May Allah bless him with paradise ever and ever) gave me a bit of sund....... after crushing on crushing stone , after some minutes I felt really well and light.

Two years ago, almost I suffered through an accident and the flesh of upper part of my left foot came out . The doctors cleaned the flesh and foot that again in the place and stitched the wound. They recommended antibiotic medicines which I was taking regularly. But after 4 to 5 days puss starting to come out and pain increased. Wound needed to be open again, and now the antibiotics were effective. In the meanwhile I contacted with my father in law and used his told prescription and wound recovered in some days. I am going to write that tip.

Tip: make suhaga into bariya, the ashes and take a long stripe according to the wound. Put Vaseline on that strip and put ash on it and tie it on the wound it, the puss out in way that a motor pulls the water out. When the puss comes to end in good way then wash the wound with the red liquid (potassium magnate, which is called pinki) and sprinkle the govanti hartal's Kashta and leave the wound open. Remember use gaovanti hartal at night time to save the patient from dust because he sleeps at night. When you will remove the stripe of ash there puss will be visible clearly. After some days when you change the stripe and there is no sign of puss then it is the end of puss. It happens in almost 3 to 4 stripes and you will need to use the gaovanti hartal only for one or two days. Those patients who suffer from the disorder in the nail of foot tumb and finally the nail needed to be plucked out; this tip is for those patients also. This tip is of my late respected mother. May Allah bless her with paradise in each and every moment. My mother was a gynecologist; I got this tip from her. Most of the ladies suffer from the problem of the wrong position of the child during the pregnancy, or sometimes Anowal comes ahead and then it needed the operation or if there comes any other problem related to the position of the child, so, there is a homeopathic medicine Pulsatilla 1 cm and the single dose of it is enough,

To keep the effects of following medicine give 10 drops of Pulsatilla 30 in evening and morning.

Usually child turns his position to proper in 24 hours to one weak. In some cases the medicine need to b used for two to three weeks, but remember that you will have to give the dose of Pulsatilla 1 CM after seven days. Sometimes it happens that when child changes its position and due to movement it starts bleeding inwardly which we cannot even sense sometimes. To avoid this you can give one or two doses of Arnica 30 , you should use the Pulsatilla 36 when the pregnancy period is up to 36 weeks. because up till this time period the child fixes his place or he is fixing the place. In the pregnancy of seven or eight month’s period the child move and changes his place. I have tried this tip for many patients. It’s just Allah's Mercy that Allah never disappointed me, He always shower His mercy, baraka'h upon this sinner. In a meanwhile I want to say something more that sometime the pregnancy appears very perfect but at the end time of delivery there appear any problem and doctors become worried and they do operation. To avoid the complexities of delivery use the homeopathic Bio Plasgin.

My spiritual experience:

I have experienced about the Ta’awaz, and that is very helpful۔ Hopefully other people will also take benefit from it (Inshallah), at the time of closure of colleges and offices, traffic becomes so much in Lahore that may Allah protect us! In such situation, minor accidents are a common happening. Some time back, similarly (due to traffic) two cars collided, loss was of minor nature but argument and quarrel increased too much and it was about to turn into a hand to hand fight, I remembered Allah and reciting Tauz (Surah Falaq and Surah Naas), did dum. By doing this, immediately, the quarrel suddenly ended and within few seconds both the parties were on their way. This miracle of the word of Allah, I witnessed myself with my own eyes. Often I forget where I kept my things and when something is lost I start reciting Darood-e-Ibraheemi and often I find my object from such a place which I had already searched or I myself reach to the object (lost object) (Ata-ur-Rehman, Shahadara). 

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